Thursday, May 31, 2012

Proposed shotgun ban

regarding blog posts concerning a proposed shotgun import ban, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ solicitation of public comments about this issue.
While this outrageous proposal goes to show the Obama administration’s anti-gun agenda, it should be put into perspective. Firstly the proposal comment period  has well expired .the original proposal of April 2011.called for discussion . The NRA-ILA submitted numerous objections to the new law  and the law was officially de-funded in November 2011. In short it is not going to happen. The scaremongering is due to right wing political commentators spinning the truth. Yes Conservative right wingers are as adept as their left wing counterparts in spreading false rumors. This is an election year so all is fair in love and war, Remember that truth is always the first casualty of war. The proposal does show the Obama administration is still anti gun and anti second amendment. 

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