Wednesday, June 6, 2012

California continues to oppose the right to keep and bear arms

On June the 2nd after a 10 year fight the 9th 9th circuit appeals court in California finally ruled in favour of a modified gun ban at Gun shows in California. its decision in Nordyke v. King, upholding an Alameda County, California gun control ordinance regulating gun shows at the county fairgrounds. The case first originated more than a decade ago when gun show promoters Russell and Sallie Nordyke filed a Second Amendment challenge against the county's 1999 ban on the possession of firearms on county owned property, a law enacted primarily to prevent any guns from being sold at the fairgrounds. The Nordykes' suit didn't really pick up steam until 2008, however, when the U.S. Supreme issued its decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and ruled definitively that the Second Amendment secures an individual right, not a collective one, to keep and bear arms. First the State tried to push the case that the 2nd Amendment was a federal amendment and did not apply to States. This was shot down in 2008 by the McDonald Heller decision Faced with defeat the county modified their ban to allow gun show sales provided the guns were unloaded and certain other safety measures were followed.
This was a partial victory for gun control freaks, but the 2nd Amendment is still under more threat in California than anywhere else in the USA. It will remain so until the likes of Boxer and Fienstien are voted out and common sense takes over.

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